Saturday, December 29, 2012

Facebook tricks to extract Friend's hidden Email ID

Have your friends hidden their Email ID from their Timeline ? And you want to extract a friend's email ID but don't know how to do that ? I have experimented Days and Nights with Facebook and at last got a trick to get Friend's Email ID. Before giving you the steps I would like to discuss some warnings.


  • If you want to extract friend's Email ID to hack his account, then you are definitely wasting your time. Facebook has revenues in Billions of USD. It can employee world's best engineers and scientist to protect someone's account.

  • This trick has worked successfully and thoroughly tested on 31st of December 2012. Facebook keeps advancing its technologies to protect user's Privacy. So, there's no guarantee on how long this trick will work.

Now lets begin with our process

Step 1 : Create a Account in Yahoo! Mail (optional )

This step is not necessary if you already have Yahoo Mail ID. To Create a new ID follow these steps :

1. Click here to open Yahoo Registration Page.

2. Fill in all the details properly. Remember don't create a Fake account. Register properly to successfully go on to next step.

3. Once the account is Created then login to your mail.

Step 2 : Add your Yahoo! Mail ID to Facebook ( Optional )

1. Login to your Facebook Account.

2. Go to Account settings.

This is located in upper right corner of FB home page

3. In the general setting Nav Bar, Click on Email Setting.

4. Click on "Add another email" link and type the new Yahoo Mail ID created in the Text Box. Type your Password and click "Save Changes".

Enter the Yahoo ID in the New Email box

5. Facebook will definitely send a confirmation to your Email. Go to your Yahoo Mail and confirm the Email ID by clicking the link sent.

6. Done. You have linked your Facebook account to Yahoo! Email ID.

Step 3 : Import Facebook Friends Contact

1. Go to your Yahoo! Mail.

2. Click on the Contacts Tab.

3. On the right frame there must be a button to Import Contacts. Click it. If it does not appear try to find it. It must be somewhere there.

4. Once you have clicked it, you will be redirected to choose your option. Click on the Facebook Logo.

Yahoo Import Contact Page

5. A pop-up window opens with Facebook. You need to login if you are not logged in.

6. Click on the Okay button on the next page.

Click Ok Button

7. Now the Yahoo Page must automatically redirect. Depending on your number of friends, it will take a few minutes.

Now if you need someone's Email ID, just go to Contacts tab and search with the friends name. You will his/her Email ID. Remember Facebook does not allow to to add all Email ID but most of it. I have about 90 friends and imported about 86.

If you encounter any error, please mention in comments..

Friday, December 28, 2012

12 Best way to Protect your Facebook Account and Prevent your Accout from being Hacked

Courtesy :

Who knows the secret to prevent your Facebook Account from being Hacked. Definitely the Facebook itself and a Hacker. I have been trying to hack several accounts on Facebook. So today I am sharing 12 secrets on how to secure your Facebook Account. Actually these are also the 12 ways to Hack Facebook Account.

Step 1 : Secure your Email

The most foremost thing to do is to secure your Email associated with Facebook Account. If you are going to sign up for a Email ID, choose a Email ID that others can't guess. If you have created a Email ID on Gmail, turn on 2-step verification. If you have created your Email ID on Ymail! then choose such security question and answers that others can't even guess. Don't keep more than 1 Email ID with Facebook. The more the Email ID you use the more the chance of getting your account hacked.

The best way to choose a Email is based on a domain other than popular Web-based Email services. Buy a domain and then use the email This is in fact very secure.


Step 2 : Choose a strong Security Question and Answer

It is the most simplest way to secure your account and also the most simplest way to get your account hacked. Facebook has only 5 question available to set your security question. If you are choosing place of birth, try to include state, country and pin code in the answer. If you are choosing grandfather's name or class teacher name or something similar, include first name, surname and title as well in your answer.


Step 3 : Hide your Email ID and Phone number from your Timeline

If a person knows your Email ID and Phone Number, he/she has done 50 % job to hack your account. Go to your info and change the Email and Phone number setting from "Public" to "Only Me". You will reduce 50 % chances of getting your account hacked.


Step 4 : Login Frequently

Have frequent logins to your Facebook account. Even if your account gets hacked, if you login frequently you would be able to at least lock your account to protect your Privacy. 


Step 5 : Turn on Secure Browsing and Login Notifications

Go to accounts setting, navigate to Security and click on Secure Browsing (, check the secure browsing check box and Press Enter. This enables SSL ( Secure Socket Layer ) on your account through which Sensitive Information traveling between your computer and Server is Protected.

Step 6 : Turn on Login Notifications

Follow the same step as above and turn on Login Notifications. Facebook will now Text you on your Phone number whenever unrecognized devices Login to your Facebook Account.


Step 7 : Prevent Keylogging

Keylogging refers to tracking of keyboard inputs. Use a powerful antivirus such as Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 which can detect invalid applications and keep you secure. Also Always scan any third party pen drives or SD cards


Step 8 : Don't let others use your phone or your SIM

Even if somebody asks you your phone registered with Facebook, Don't give it away even if how much you trust them. They can easily hack your account this way.


Step 9 :  Beware of Phising or Spamming

Phising refers to creation of such a Page exactly similar to a page that carries sensitive information. Always check address bar before logging in if the address is or not. If the page is already open, close the window open a new one and type the complete address. This is because some expert hackers like me set the address of page that does not corresponds to the page. Suppose you will see the address a but actually D:\facebook.html will be opened. 

Never use Widgets offered by several websites. They enter your Browser as a add-on and send each and every data entered to their corresponding site databases.

Spamming refers to mailing someone something that asks for sensitive information such as password or credit card number. Never respond to emails that asks your Facebook Email ID and Password even if the mail is from Such mails are automatically generated by server Scripts.


Step 10 : Change Password Frequently

It is a very good habit to keep changing your Password. Not only Facebook, keep changing the passwords of your Email ID too. Your Password must be newly generated and contain Capital letters, numbers and special characters. It must be 10 to 20 chars in length.


Step 11 : Never use Apps that are suspicious

Facebook has introduced over 100000s of Apps, most of them owned by Private People. Never give away personal Information such as Email ID or Phone number to them. Such Apps tend to be useful, but they have no use of your Email ID. They only use it for wrong purposes.


Step 12 : Never add friends that you don't recognize

Saw a Hot Girl and thought to add her as your friend. Do you know she could be a Hacker ? Always ask your friend whether they have sent you a friend request really or not. Never send friend request to someone you don't know.


There's still no Guarantee !!

Facebook has introduced two new ways to recover your Account. By recognizing Friends in photos they were tagged in and Getting codes from friends. This methods, though useful, are very vulnerable to security attacks. A close friend can easily make guesses and get into the account.

But Facebook is not a Hacker's play, it has such Security that no other website have. Follow the above mentioned 12 steps to keep you Facebook account Long-running.

Your comments are most welcomed.

Execute PHP from .html or extensionless file :: Step-by-step instructions for Apache and IIS servers

If your website is receiving very huge traffic and your website deals with high use of web-programming or server-side scripting then it is a very good idea to hide the Scripting language you use. For example if you use PHP, which is very vulnerable to security attacks, you can use it in extensionless file. If the extension (.php, .php3, .php5) is not visible to web browsers then it is really helpful.

Today I am sharing on how to add a web.config or .htaccess file to the root of your web server to make server execute PHP in .html, .htm or even in extensionless files.

For Linux and Windows Servers running Apache

PHP is a very famous scripting language to be used under Apache servers.

To enable your server to run PHP from .html or other extension files, follow these steps :

1. Login to your Hosting Provider and open FTP File Manager.

2. At the root Directory create a file .htaccess . You see the file has no name but only extension. If your web provider does not allow this file to be created, then create a file on your local machine and upload it into the root directory.

3. Open the .htaccess file in a text editor and add the following line

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm 

Explanation : This code sets .html and .htm files to be handled with PHP via FastCGI.

You can add as many extentions as you want, Just give a space and type the extension. Don't add those extensions like .py or .rb as it may already correspond to other server side scriptings (.py for Python and .rb for Rubi). Ask your Hosting Provider for a list of supported languages before doing so.

4. Save the file.

To test whether it works or not follow these steps :

1. Open a text editor and type the following code :

<?php echo "Hello World This is PHP executed in HTML file"; ?>

2. Save the file as test.html

3. Open the file in browser. You should get the response

Hello World This is PHP executed in HTML file

4. Done

To enable your server to run PHP from an extensionless file, follow these steps :

1. Login to your Hosting Provider and open FTP File Manager.

2. At the root Directory create a file .htaccess . You see the file has no name but only extension. If your web provider does not allow this file to be created, then create a file on your local machine and upload it into the root directory.

3. Open the .htaccess file in a text editor and add the following line :

<Files *>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

Explanation : * determines the server to run any file under PHP.

4. Save the file.

To test if it works or not, follow these steps :

1. Open a text editor and type the following code :

<?php echo "Hello World This is PHP executed in an extensionless file"; ?>

2. Save the file as "test". Remember to save it without extension.

3. Open the file in browser. You should get the response

Hello World This is PHP executed in extensionless file.
4. Done

For Windows server running IIS 7 or Higher

IIS (Internet Information Services) basically does not support PHP, it must be manually configured. The Below mentioned steps will only work if you have already configured PHP to run under IIS.

To enable your server to run PHP from .html or other extension files, follow these steps :

1. Login to Hosting Provider and open FTP File Manager. 

2. At the root Directory create a file name "web.config" if it already does not exists.

3. Open web.config in any text editor and put the following code in it :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<add name="html via php cgi" path="*.html" verb="*" modules="FastCgiModule" scriptProcessor="C:\Php5\php-cgi.exe" resourceType="Unspecified" />

Add as many handlers as you want. Change the value of  "path"  and "name" attribute each time. Don't use Extensions like .asp or .aspx as it may correspond to any existing Scripting (.asp for Active Server Pages and .aspx for ASP.NET).

The value of "scriptProcessor" attribute may vary depending on the folder where PHP is installed. Ask your Web Hosting Provider if you are not sure. For GoDaddy Hosting, it works fine.

4. Save the file.

To test whether it works or not, follow these steps :

1. Open a text editor and type the following code :

<?php echo "Hello World This is PHP executed in HTML file"; ?>

2. Save the file as test.html

3. Open the file in browser. You should get the response

Hello World This is PHP executed in HTML file

4. Done

To enable your server to run extensionless file under PHP, follow these steps :


1. Login to Hosting Provider and open FTP File Manager. 

2. At the root Directory create a file name "web.config" if it already does not exists.

3. Open web.config in any text editor and put the following code in it :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<add name="html via php cgi" path="*" verb="*" modules="FastCgiModule" scriptProcessor="C:\Php5\php-cgi.exe" resourceType="Unspecified" />

The value of "scriptProcessor" attribute may vary depending on the folder where PHP is installed. Ask your Web Hosting Provider if you are not sure. For GoDaddy Hosting, it works fine.

4. Save the file.

To test whether it works or not, follow these steps :

1. Open a text editor and type the following code :

<?php echo "Hello World This is PHP executed in extensionless file"; ?>

2. Save the file as "test"

3. Open the file in browser. You should get the response

Hello World This is PHP executed in extensionless file

4. Done


Remember that whenever you edit such files, you have a high risk of web server not accepting it or resulting in errors. Work on these steps only if you are experienced. Be careful and if you result in errors then delete .htaccess or web.config file created or contact your Service Provider immediately.

Specifically be careful when editing web.config file. You may result in losing your default file access or access to other file request handles

For more help, Mention your issues in comments.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brain Drains :: Pros and Cons of Brain Drains

Brain Drains are those graduates or post graduates or diplomats who leave their own country and migrate to another in search of better job opportunity and higher lifestyle. Many people think that Brain Drain is betraying one's own country. On the other hand people also think that Brain Drain is necessary as it helps to get their family better foreign resources.


Brain Drain is good

1. Effect on globalization : Brain Drain have a positive effect on the globalization. It helps to connect economies of the world even faster. Economy in form of money is invested all around the world that helps the poorer nation to develop.

2. Equalizing Population : One of the major point. If population is unevenly distributed in two countries, then migration will help equalize the population.

3. Better opportunity : People who migrate generally have a better opportunity to express innovative ideas as American and European nations also cheer innovation and bright minds. In India it is almost impossible.

4. Benefit to the people : Those who migrate get a better lifestyle and job opportunity. At the same time their family members are also benefited.

5. Take this whole world as a nation to benefit Humanity : Many people has a misconception that Brain Drain hinders a one's own country's development. But just think if you serve your nation then the people of your nation is only benefited but if you serve the world the whole of humanity is benefited.

6. It is quite natural phenomenon : Brain Drain is not the latest phenomenon. It already existed in the ancient world. For example : Migration of people from rural areas to urban area is also a kind of Brain Drain.


Brain Drain is very Bad

1.  Most of the migrates generally migrate to America or Europe. This is because these are such nation who want to spend money to educate the migrates that, in return, will help in their development. This option is not available in our country. That is why our country is lagging behind in terms of Innovative ideas.

 2. We took the education from the government. The government spent billions of rupee on education to get better results and help in development. If you leave your own country after that it is certainly a betray to your own country.

3. If Brain Drain crosses its limit, it will definitely hinders country's development. On the other hand it will excessively benefit the migrating nation.


Steps to be taken to check Brain Drain

1. Expansion of factories/industries : Government need to lower tariff taxes on external merchants so that they can set up their industries in India. This is definitely generate employment opportunities. Moreover MNCs offer better payments which is the major demand of skilled people.

2. Rapid development of Economy : A boost in development will help to boost up economy. Better economy will lead to better salary for educated employees. Also, it will help many foreign investors to invest in our Country. Ones our country is fully developed, we will start attracting Foreign Brain Drains !

3. Control over Population : One of the major steps. Less population will increase demand for skilled labors.

4. Better working conditions : A well-qualified skilled engineer or doctor or scientist or economists will definitely demand for better lifestyle. Better working condition will surely check Brain Drains.

Your comments are most welcomed.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Major Problems of Indian society

I have been experimenting from a lot days and found out a few drawbacks of Indian society.

Before reading this post, make yourself mentally strong as some points may hurt you. The main purpose of this post is not to ridicule the Indian society but to point out the drawbacks and provide ways to correct them.


Unique affinity towards money

This seems to be the biggest problem of people. They won't do anything unless they are paid for it. Most of them are very selfish that make them dishonest and corrupted even after paid high.

Money is not everything. Its the passion and dedication in their work for which they are paid that makes us a billionaire. 


Who are rich or poor ?

Many people have a common conviction that people having rich lifestyle are miraculous balance in their bank account are considered rich and vice versa.

Truth is that the people who are open-minded and thinks very differently, honest to their work and have moral thoughts could be called rich and vice-versa.


Bad marriage system

In many parts of India, marriages takes place only during the night time. In that too, marriages are too long and tiring. Thus most of the guest just have dinner and go away to their home without attending the marriage ceremony ( for which they are actually invited ). No one even thinks that marriage comes once ( twice or thrice ) in life. If must be made special. This is a common problem in Hindu-Marriage System.


Fickle Minded people

Many conservatives people are very shrewd and fickle-minded. You tell them anything and they will blindly believe in them without thinking about it even once.
 Most of the Newspapers take undue advantage of this. They publish such thing in such a manner that people will even believe the irrelevant ideas. Thus they easily divide people into different categories based on views.


Religious views

Most of the Indian people are very religious. Instead of taking good advice from their religion they use it as a way to impose fear in people. They have faith in their religion but they also try to impose the same on the others.


Want Development but don't want to leave their culture or religion

Indian people are worst tied to their religion and culture. They surely want development but can't tolerate opposition to their culture. That is a major region why India is developing so slow.


Wants service at low cost

I think Indian people has never heard of a term called "Self-Service". They always need others to serve them. They will hire several servants if they are capable of. 

Everyone is born equal in this universe. We must not expect someone to do anything for us. Even if we make someone work for us we should pay them high. 

Shallow thinking Patterns

I think I don't need to explain this. This is a common problem in every Indian. A few of them is only broad-minded.


Success, Result at any cost

What's with Indian Dads ? They are ready to spend millions of rupees on their child's education even if they go in debt. This is not so that they care for their children but they expect profit in form of their children's income. Many people just think that Doctor, Engineer, IAS officer etc. is only way to get a better life though this thought is changing rapidly.

This is my hearty suggestion to such dads that everyone, ranging from a rickshaw puller to a Restaurant waiter to a artist, everyone is very necessary for building a nation. Could you even imagine a world with only doctors or only engineers or only IAS officer.


Always show respect to elders

Indian parents are very imposing towards their wards to respect their elders. Can anyone please tell me who we can call a "elder" ? One who has come to this earth earlier than me or one who is taller than me ?? Likewise speaking we should even respect and touch feet of 100 years old elephant.

As far as I believe we should not respect a elder but "elder's behavior". If you really like one elder's behavior then you should respect him and vice-versa.

Too much and irrelevant division of the society

Indian society is too much divided and irrelevant fights come up due to this no matter hoe much we say "Anekta me Ekta". Divided on the basis of gender, religion, caste, language and many more. 

Remember we first belong to this very world, then to Kingdom Animilia, then to Human Progeny, then to our country India and then to our respective religion, language or caste.


Do thousand good jobs no one will praise you

Go out to the street and clean your road. Count how many praised you and how many abused you. I bet 80 % will definitely abuse you including your family members.


And million more........

Please add in comments if I have missed something.

How to avoid error while writing program/codes ? Avoid errors in PHP, Javascript, ASP, JQuery, C++, Java etc.

Programmers deal with a lot of errors in their programs. They face these errors mainly due to clumsy programming. Today I am sharing some tips to be more efficient to write complex programs and codes.

Hope this article will help you.

Before writing Codes


Before writing complex code you need to do the following :

Learn more maths

Open a Maths book and solve some logical question. This is in fact the very first thing to do before writing complex programs. If you don't have enough logical mental ability you won't be able to write proper program.

Draw proper flowcharts or pen down algorithms

Before writing proper script draw a flowchart explaining what will be the elements in your program. The flowchart must contain finalized structure of your program. Once you have built your flowchart you can write your program according to it.

Install  a color editor

Want to test for errors while writing programs? Best way to do it is by using Color editor. They will color syntax up, check each and every line for errors and give you the line which contains errors though they won't actually correct them. You'll sure notice that missing bracket when the entire bottom half of your code is one color!

Adobe Dreamweaver has proved to be the best color editor in writing JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, ASP or ColdFusion programs. It detects all the errors as well validates your file against proper markup. You can get a copy of Adobe Dreamweaver from your nearest Adobe store.


While writing codes


Stop copying and Pasting code

This is in fact a frequent way to get errors in your code. Type down proper codes as they should be as defined in the flowchart. You can copy and paste the code if they have to be similar but beware while using if.. else statement. A slightest error will ruin your whole program.

Pay attention while writing codes

If you are writing complicated codes, Pay more attention. Don't divert your mind away. A small distraction may result in errors.

Use Comments

Many a programmer use comments just to set copyright of the code. But comments for a important part while writing complex codes. Whenever writing a program don't forget to use comments. Every part of the program should be commented. It will help you understand the code better when you go through the code again. Don't waste your time by commenting each line of your code but a section of code.

Keep your coding clean

This is my hearty request to all the programmers. Don't mess up your code. Be professional and write tidy coding. Try to close nested if.. else statement or other commands properly as shown.

An untidy code with errorsA tidy code with no errors

code to execute
code to execute
code to execute
if (some_condition){
        // Nested if...else 
          if (some_condition){
           code to execute
           code to execute

code to execute

Shorten your code

Don't write too long code. Try to shorten your code. For example define a single function instead of writing a whole program in place of it. Remember shorten codes is a sign of professionality.


After writing the codes


Finalize your work

Don't think "I will add this feature later". When you write codes in one session you know completely the structure of the code. But when you go through the code for the second time, you may not be able to understand the code resulting in errors.

Use proper Interpreters to test your code

Turn on the feature of error reporting in the interpreter that will show you errors, if any, on each line. This takes a lot of the guess work out of what is going wrong, so you know where to start fixing!

Still can't find the errors

Take a bit rest. Refresh your mind. Leave your computer and hang out with your friends. Come back after 3 to 4 hours and clean your mind and eyes. Now with full concentration check your code for errors. This is very helpful because continuous coding can retard your efficiency.

Your comments are most welcomed.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hollywood vs Bollywood || Hollywood film earn much more than the Bolllywood films


Ever wondered why Hollywood movies earn over 100 million USD whereas Bollywood movies have failed to earn even 100 million USD. I have did some investigation and tabulated the difference.

Tabulated Difference



  • A few films about 100 are produced in Hollywood. Out of the 100, 80 are good. Since very few films are released so each film is very original, creative and idealistic thus positively acclaimed by major Critics. Thus more people prefer to watch Hollywood, one of the major reason why Hollywood movies gross over 100 million USD.
  •  Over 1000 of films are produced in Bollywood out of which 900 are flawed. Most of the Bollywood movies are limited to our own country and thus can't gain International status. Indian films lacks originality. Mostly Indian people only watch Bollywood movies.
  • Hollywood movies are released all over the world. Their movies are of High Budget and take rights to release the film in almost all the country. Thus they are able to earn more
  • Bollywood movies are limited to India and selected few countries. They are of low budget. Thus they are not able to earn much.
  • Tickets price of Hollywood movies is quite high around 30 $. That's around 1500 INR.
  • Tickets price of Bollywood movies is quite low, around 100-200 INR.
  • Hollywood movies are action filled and shooted with high-quality cameras. Hence they are released in 3D and IMAX formats resulting in increased incomes.
  • A few of the Bollywood movies are only released in 3D. Bollywood movies are generally comedy or romance based thus not able to make good profits.
  • Hollywood movies are released in over 50,000 screens all around the world.
  • Bollywood movies are released in only a few thousands screens which are not able to attract much audiences.
  • Hollywood movies face less Movies Piracy.
  • As compared to Hollywood movies, Bollywood movies face more challenges to Piracy. Thus their income is impaired.

Hollywood and Bollywood cannot be compared


Frankly speaking Hollywood and Bollywood should not be compared because :

  1. Hollywood has emerged over 150 years ago but Bollywood has emerged around 100 years ago. Thus Bollywood need more time to reach the status of Hollywood.

  2. Hollywood movies are of High budget but Bollywood movies are of low budget. So if we calculate the ratio of their film grosses, Bollywood is no less than Hollywood. For example, if a 100 million USD Hollwood movie grosses 400 million USD and a 20 Crore INR Bollywood movie grosses 80 Crores INR, the ratio is quite the same.

  3. Bollywood movies are generally based on the genre of romances and comedy. But Hollywood movies are based on action, drama, comedy, suspense, thrill and fiction. Thus if their genre is different then how can we compare them?

What is Credit or Debit Card ? How does it works ?

Credit and Debit Card
Many people wonder what exactly is credit or debit card ? How it works ? How we can transact money from any ATM all around world ? What is MasterCard or Visa ?

I will answer all these questions in this post. Being a 10th grade student, I won't be able to give you excessive details about this.









Credit Cards

Credit, in the most simple term, means providing someone with resource in form of money, capital or finished goods with an agreement to pay back the amount to settle that transaction with or without interest. Different banks have different arrangements and Rates to offer credit.

Credit cards are a way to get credit from your bank or other financial institution. Once you use your credit card to avail a transaction of say ₨ 2000, then the banks will keep a record of the credit taken by you and charge you interests in form of monthly or annual bills.


Debit Cards

Debit is just the reverse of Credit. It means to provide someone with resource in form of money, capital or finished goods with an agreement to pay back the amount to settle that transaction with or without interest.

Your ATM cards that you use are Debit cards. When you use a Debit cards, your bank provide you a Credit  amount that it deducts from your bank account.  A few banks charges you on the use of Debit card but most of them not. A debit card also called a check card one way gives you access to your bank account to withdraw money or transfer it.

How are Credit and Debit card internationalized ??

No banks in the world can setup ATM all over the world. Then how can we transact money from any ATM around the world ? The answer is quite simple.

There are international company such as MasterCard and Visa that provide you with Credit and Debit card. These companies issue Cards to all major banks who in turn provide them to their customers. The Banks have to registered with these companies to get cards.

One we transact money from any ATM, the bank that issued the card is charged for the amount transacted. The Bank has to pay a very small amount on each transaction even less than 0.25 on a transaction of say ₨ 2000. This small amount add up to make huge profits for these international companies. This transaction charges may or may not be taken from customers. In India, ATM annual fees is Rs. 100 in Govt. bank and Rs. 500 in private bank.

One more thing to remember is that though cards are offered by Visa or MasterCard, ATMs are set up by Banks. If you transact money from ATM set up by any other bank and not your bank you are charged certain amount by the bank based on your transaction amount. This charge varies from region to region. That is why ATM try to attract people by accepting all the cards.

What are the Major companies offering Credits and Debit Cards ??

Five major companies offer these cards :

Visa : A huge multinational corporation head quartered at San Francisco. This company has successfully set up its branch in all major companies and is one of the major issuer of cards in India. Issues both Credit and Debit Cards.

MasterCard : A US company. Internationalized company offering both credit and debit cards. Have over 25000 financial institution under it.

Maestro : Debit cards operated under MasterCard. Only issued by selected SBI and Citi Bank and others.

American Express : Popularly known as AmEx. Offers only Credit Cards.

Discover : Primarily Issued in United States. Issues only Credit Cards but will soon offer Debit Cards.

Secure Payment Gateway

eMoney is a popular service available on the Internet. Whenever you enter you Card details on any website it connects to a Secure Payment Gateway such as PayPal and transacts money from your bank account. To make this more secure nowadays Major Corporation use certain code that is not available on the card and is only known to the owner of the card to prevent frauds. 

MasterCard provides Master Code, a secure password to accept transaction and Visa uses Verified by Visa, a 3D password to secure transactions. If you have correctly entered the password then it will connect to your Bank's server and transact required amount.