Saturday, December 8, 2012

Calculator v1, Programmed by Sushant Gupta

       Calculator v1   by, Sushant Gupta
Numbers to use while calculation:Operators :
Calculate :
Important Note : Please only use keys provided. Dont use Keyboard.

The source code for the javascript used is : 

<!-- Begin
var FKeyPad = document.Keypad;
var Accum = 0;
var FlagNewNum = false;
var PendingOp = "";
function NumPressed (Num) {
if (FlagNewNum) {
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value  = Num;
FlagNewNum = false;
else {
if (FKeyPad.ReadOut.value == "0")
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = Num;
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value += Num;
function Operation (Op) {
var Readout = FKeyPad.ReadOut.value;
if (FlagNewNum && PendingOp != "=");
FlagNewNum = true;
if ( '+' == PendingOp )
Accum += parseFloat(Readout);
else if ( '-' == PendingOp )
Accum -= parseFloat(Readout);
else if ( '/' == PendingOp )
Accum /= parseFloat(Readout);
else if ( '*' == PendingOp )
Accum *= parseFloat(Readout);
Accum = parseFloat(Readout);
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = Accum;
PendingOp = Op;
function Decimal () {
var curReadOut = FKeyPad.ReadOut.value;
if (FlagNewNum) {
curReadOut = "0.";
FlagNewNum = false;
if (curReadOut.indexOf(".") == -1)
curReadOut += ".";
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = curReadOut;
function ClearEntry () {
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = "0";
FlagNewNum = true;
function Clear () {
Accum = 0;
PendingOp = "";
function Neg () {
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = parseFloat(FKeyPad.ReadOut.value) * -1;
function Percent () {
FKeyPad.ReadOut.value = (parseFloat(FKeyPad.ReadOut.value) / 100) * parseFloat(Accum);
// End -->

The Calculator frame-code is as follows : 


<form method="post" action="" novalidate="novalidate" data-form="preview" name="Keypad" id="docContainer" class="fb-100-item-column fb-toplabel selected-object" style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE: none; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: #00ffff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #dbfbff; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: #00ffff; WIDTH: 600px; FONT-FAMILY: arial; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: #00ffff; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: #00ffff; TOP: 0px;">
      <p id="body">
          <TABLE border=0 width=470 height=361 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=5>
            <TR bordercolor="#000000">
              <TD height="58" colspan=6 align=left bgcolor="#CCFF66"><b><font color="#0066FF" size="+3"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Calculator v1 </font></b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>by, Sushant Kumar Gupta</b></TD>
            <TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
              <TD height="21" colspan=3 align=middle>&nbsp;</TD>
              <td width="21"></TD>
              <TD colspan="2">&nbsp;</TD>
            <TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
              <TD height="26" colspan=6 align=middle><input name="ReadOut" type="Text" size=5 value="0" width=100% onmousedown="this.value=''"></TD>
            <TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF" align="center">
              <TD height="21" colspan="3">&nbsp;</TD>
              <TD colspan="2" valign="middle">&nbsp;</TD>
            <TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF" align="center">
              <TD height="22" colspan="3" bgcolor="#FF9933"><font color="#FFFFFF"> Numbers to use while calculation:</font></TD>
              <TD colspan="2" bgcolor="#00CCFF" valign="middle"><font color="#FFFFFF">Operators : </font></TD>
            <TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF" align="center">
              <TD height="21" align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
              <TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
              <TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
            <TR bordercolor="#FFFFFF" align="center">
              <TD width="95" height="28" bgcolor="#99FF99" align="center"><input name="btnSeven" type="Button" value="        7        " onClick="NumPressed(7)" width="300" class="button"></TD>
              <TD width="103" bgcolor="#99FF99" align="center"><input name="btnEight" type="Button" value="        8        " onClick="NumPressed(8)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD width="97" bgcolor="#99FF99" align="center"><input name="btnNine" type="Button" value="        9        " onClick="NumPressed(9)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD width="53" bgcolor="#CC66FF"><input name="btnPlus" type="Button" value="  +  " onClick="Operation('+')"></TD>
              <TD width="54" bgcolor="#CC66FF"><input name="btnMinus" type="Button" value="   -   " onClick="Operation('-')"></TD>
            <TR align="center">
              <TD height="26" bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnFour" type="Button" value="        4        " onClick="NumPressed(4)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnFive" type="Button" value="        5        " onClick="NumPressed(5)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnSix" type="Button" value="        6        " onClick="NumPressed(6)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD align=middle bgcolor="#CC66FF"><input name="btnMultiply" type="Button" value="  *  " onClick="Operation('*')"></TD>
              <TD align=middle bgcolor="#CC66FF"><input name="btnDivide" type="Button" value="   /   " onClick="Operation('/')"></TD>
            <TR align="center">
              <TD height="26" bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnOne" type="Button" value="        1        " onClick="NumPressed(1)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnTwo" type="Button" value="        2        " onClick="NumPressed(2)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnThree" type="Button" value="        3        " onClick="NumPressed(3)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD colspan="2" align=middle valign="middle">&nbsp;</TD>
            <TR align="center">
              <TD height="26" bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnZero" type="Button" value="        0        " onClick="NumPressed(0)" class="button"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnDecimal" type="Button" class="button" onClick="Decimal()" value="         .        "></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnNeg" type="Button" class="button" onClick="Neg()" value="       +/-       "></TD>
              <TD colspan="2" align=middle bgcolor="#00CCFF" valign="middle"><font color="#FFFFFF">Calculate : </font></TD>
            <TR align="center">
              <TD height="26" colspan="3" bgcolor="#99FF99"><input name="btnClear" type="Button" value="  Reset all Values  " onClick="Clear()"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#CC66FF"><input name="btnEquals" type="Button" value="  =  " onClick="Operation('=')"></TD>
              <TD bgcolor="#CC66FF"><input name="btnPercent" type="Button" value="  % " onClick="Percent()"></TD>
        <p><strong>Important Note :</strong> <em>Please only use keys provided. Dont use Keyboard.</em>      </p>
      <p align="center"><a id="fb-link-logo1" class="fb-link-logo" href="" target="_blank"><img style="display: none;" id="fb-logo1" class="fb-logo" title="Alternative text" alt="Alternative text" src="index_files/image_default.png"></a></form>

Should we buy Foreign goods, Should we buy goods produced by a Multinational Company (MNC)

This is the question that has been prompting me for several days and I know many of you too. So, Today I am posting a brief view of buying and selling of foreign views.

Favorable reasons for buying foreign goods :


  • Certain company tend to open their branches in almost every part of the world. Some of the popular brands include Pepsi, Rolex,Coco-cola, KFC and many more. Mainly all the beverages, food manufacturing and others get their job of manufacturing and selling done by local traders. This creates large employment oppurtunities for local people. If no one will buy goods of these companies it will ruin of the employed people. Generally the companies get the trading rights from the government and sell under their company named followed by the country name. For example, A Rolex company in China will be called Rolex China and get most of their work done by the chinese people. If the company is eroded by people not buying their goods, many of its local workers will also effected.

  • It takes a long time, sometimes over 200 years, to gain confidence of the people and emerge as a  huge company so as to enlarge its market to every corner of the world. We can't forget the investment they do to in production and advertisements of the products. The Tata Group, for example, didn't emerge overnight but after a long span of 150 years.

  • It desperately helps in circulation of economy all around the world. Without this circulation, it would have been difficult for the growth of the economy of any country.
  • The MNCs (Multi National Companies) bring us the goods and services that may not be available in the target country. These would help them to know what goods and new products are produced throughout the world. It helps people modernise.

  •  The goods produced by MNCs are better in terms of quality.


    But every thing has its own pros and cons :


    •  Liberalism(removal of tax barriers) has helped the MNCs to expand their market in poor and developing countries. The goods produced by MNCs are of low cost because they get their product manufactured in different countries thereby reducing manufacturing cost. Thus they are able to sell it at low prices. This eliminates the local merchants, traders and small-scale manufactures.
    • Some of the companies try to give false ideas about themselves by saying that they are very old and trusted but in reality they are not.  

    •  In some cases the goods produced by a MNC is very expensive compared to goods produced by local manufacturers.


    What to remember before buying a good ??


    Experiment with the company before buying goods. Study carefully about the company from which you are going to buy the goods.
    Carefully investigate if the company effects the local traders or not.
    It entirely depends on yourself whether you choose to buy the foreign good or local good. You are free as both have their own pros and cons.

    CBSE vs ICSE - Which is better ??

    A frequent debate that goes in Indian Education System is Which of the board is better CBSE(Central Board of Secondary Education) or ICSE( Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) ??

    There are two very different boards of education catering to the academic sector in India, and these are CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) and ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education). Although the subjects taught in both boards are the same, choosing the right board is essential because this can play a significant role in the student’s future. Indians lay a lot of importance on education and knowledge, and the age old debate on choosing the right board ofeducation is bound to crop up in every household sooner or later.

    Each board of education has its own set of pros and cons, and parents will have to make a calculated move taking their children’s strengths into consideration, as their future can be shaped only based on their interests.

    CBSE proves to be better


    • CBSE is repeatitive. It  repeats the same course of study in each class or the next. This helps the student to thoroughly memorise the chapter that they study. For example, if there is a chapter named "Industrial Revolution" to be studied in class 4, the same will be taught again in class 6 or 7 with slight extra, so that children could have a revision of it.

    •  The course material of CBSE is very systematic. It goes from very basic level to higher level. This makes it very easy to study. Thats make CBSE a very easy to study, very necessary far children weaker in studies. The CBSE syllabus is a cumulative syllabus. 

    • Study courses of CBSE is not so detailed as in ICSE. That do not waste the time of student even if he / she opts out of a course. For example, if a student wants to aim for commerce in 11th grade, then he has to only read the very basic science, maths or history as required in life whereas in ICSE he has to study a lot of science and maths that will not be required in any future study.

    • After the introduction of CCE(Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation), CBSE has become a gift to students. Now they will be rated in all fields including art, sports, behaviour and not just in the field of Study.

    • CBSE study course is very up-to-date. It is always updated by the board. Latest facts, recent studies and discoveries are always added in the next year of print. In ICSE, it is not so. They follow a older course of study.

    • It satisfies parents, teachers as well as students one way or the other.

    • CBSE course is very useful for competitive exams. Major competitive exams like IIT-JEE, NDA, etc. are designed on the basis of CBSE pattern

    There definitely must be something I have missed that CBSE better course to study in.

    Alas! CBSE has its own limits

     Source of this section
    •  The students who study in CBSE boards are less smarter as compared to kids studying in ICSE boards.

    • Not much focus is laid on inculcating practical knowledge in students. The CBSE syllabus also does not lay as much emphasis on core English knowledge as its counterpart does, choosing to lay more importance on the disciplines of mathematics and science.

    • The subjects in a CBSE syllabus are approached in a theoretical manner, and true emphasis is not laid on real-life concepts behind the science. Although the syllabus is application oriented, it does not provide room for effective understanding.

    ICSE Pros : 

    •  Children studying in ICSE board are able to compete better in field of management and international studies, i.e, ICSE prepares children for International Competiton.

    • Students studying in ICSE school get international status.

    • ICSE course is deeper and lengthier that help student to have a better knowledge on a particular subject.

    What do I prefer ??


    I have studied both the courses and truely speaking I had really liked CBSE because it was so easy and I got so much time to do something else apart from studies. I feel CBSE is better than ICSE.
    It all depends on you what you choose. Which course do you prefer?? Mention in Comments

    Some Beautiful Quotes / Thoughts

    Some Beautiful Quotes

    1. "Life begins when we leave away the fear of death."

    2. "A Life spent in making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."

    3. "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."

    4. "Defeat may be the stepping stone or a stumbling block depending on whether your attitude is positive or negative."

    5. "A successful man is he who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him. The more successful man is he who can maintain the foundation and still throw bricks at others."

    6. "Life is one long struggle in dark."

    7. "It is better to have fought and lost, than to never to have fought at all."

    8. "It is not the ship so much as the skilled sailing that assures the prosperous voyage."

    9. "God helps those who helps themselves."

    10. "Only the life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

    11. "Self-confidence is the most important ingredient of success."

    12. "There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, no tonic so powerful as expectations of something better tomorrow."

    13. "Democracy is for the people, of the people and by the people and NOT far the people, off the people and buy the people."

    14. "No man loses his freedom except through his own weakness."

    15. "In moderating not satisfying lies peace."

    16. "Time is excellent healer and a powerful destroyer."

    17. "Let no one deviate from the path of truth and justice for friendship or enemity."

    18. "The secret of winning is sharing."

    19. "Many a people who have failed 10000 times have not failed but found out 10000 different ways that does not work."

    20. "Your biggest competitor is you yourself. Defeat yourself and you will see that you have defeated the world."

    21. "Have infinite patience and success is yours."

    22. "The hugest records as made in Olympics are to one day or the other break it."

    23. "We cannot command nature except by obeying her."

    24. "In nature there's no reward no punishments, there are consequences."

    25.  "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we borrowed it from our children."

    26. "A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar."

    27. "He who praises you for what you lack, wishes to take away what you have."

    28. "A man can stand anything except a succession of ordinary days."

    29. "The job of a professional manager is not to like people - it is to put their strength to work."

    30. "Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."

    31. "Prevention is always better than cure."

    32. "The wind blows strongest against those who stand tallest."

    33. "Dreamers only dream but creators bring their dreams into reality."

    34. "Everything that has a start definitely has a end. Nothing is immortal except this cycle itself."

    35. "Things that you are not interested in are considered non sense by you in life."

    36. "Struggle in life is not to impair you but to make you realize who you are."

    37. "Discipline and rules are made to break it but as we break it we also make it more deeper."

    38. "There could be no other bigger sin as to follow a beaten path."

    39. "When charm wears off, there's nothing but character left."

    40. "If you want something badly, just let it go, if it comes back to you it was always yours, if it doesn't it was never yours."

    Many thoughts are contradictory !


    You would observe that most of the thoughts are contradictory to each other or  some previous thought you have already read. This is because this thoughts are a collection of thoughts from many people from all around the world. This makes them contradictory.

    It all depends on you, how you interpret a thought, how you believe in them, how you implement them based on your own life experiences.


    Which thought do I like the most


    Most of you would be reading these thoughts because you have suffered some day or other. A few would be reading to refresh their morning.

    For me the most powerful thought is 

    There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. "          --William Shakespeare

    This thought explains that this world is as ideal as it could be. This is just our Human mind that defines us, that tell us what is good or what is bad from its experiences. But reality is that there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes its so. You could yourself be honest and think if the things you do in your daily life are really good or bad that you think or told by someone.

    I want to know which thought do you like the most?? Mention it in the comments.

    Indian Railways, Railway System of India

    Indian Railways

    Rajdhani Express. Images From Wikipedia.
    A view of Garib Rath. Images From Wikipedia.
    As we all know Indian railways is the fourth largest railway network in the world. It is also the fourth largest railway in the world employing over 1 million people. 

    It seems to be odd to post something about Indian railways but I advise you to read some FAQ about Indian Railways.


    Why Indian Trains are slow in comparison to French or Japanese railways ?


    Most people have a misconception that Indian Trains are slow moving at just 100 - 120 kmph, whereas TGV or bullet trains are fast moving at a speed of 300 - 400 kmph. The basic question is Indian train engines are not as powerful as the engines of foreign trains.

    The question I want to ask you is, Don't you look at how much coaches each of the engines in Indian trains pull. An normal Indian train  pulls 15-30 coaches at a time whereas A good train pulls 50-150 coaches at a time. This reduces the overall speed of the train. This is not so for the foreign trains as they have to pull a maximum of 3-4 coaches.

    How many people travel everyday using Indian Railways?


    Atleast 1 million travel everyday using railways. Over 10 million tonnes of  goods are carried everyday.
    The people who travel via Indian railways are a collection of people from every corner of the country. This is one of the few place where passengers of such a diverse country come under one roof thus giving us a warm feel. Such environment, long journey, train moving with 'chuk-ckuk' beat is difficult to find in foreign railways.

    What are the ill-effects Indian Railways is suffering from ?


     Indian railways has suffered from problems mainly from passengers side.
    • Many passengers travel without tickets.
    • Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped. How could people destroy their own property?
    • People stop the trains by pulling chains unnecessarily mostly before the stations causing heavy damage and avoiding railway from moving on time.
    • Even after railway stations are cleaned as per schedule, people have made them dirty for no reasons.


    Can Indian Railways be privatised ?


    No, presently it is not possible to privatise Indian Railways. It is a huge network with several people working under it. All this need a government with lot of  resouces to handle. 

    But Privatisation will have many good effects such as better administration,  increase of Railway standards and reduced corruption. On the other hand it will make it difficult for the passengers to travel beacuse of high price of Railways.

    Why is it difficult to get tickets for the Indian Railways ? 


    Millions of passengers travel via Indian Railways everyday. These are generally the people who find it economic to travel by railways, or students who have frequent travels from their college city to home city. In such a huge crowd, it ts quite natural that it will be difficult to find get tickets.

     The only way to get out of this problem is by increasing the price of Railway by leaps and bounds. This will reduce no. of passengers traveling by railways & increase the standard of the railway.

    As far as I believe, Indian railways are the best railway system ever built. What are your opinions about Indian Railways?? Mention in Comments.

    Love - What does love means ?? Measurement of love / Love Scales

    'Love' simply means caring & affection that we show to anyone. They could be anyone mom, dad, wife, friend, relatives or even plants and animals. Broadly, it also includes loving your interest or work.

    Love Scales


    Scale (%)

    Scale Name


    20%Simple Attraction
    Very basic. Love someone because of his/ her charm.
    Love someone. Want him/her only to be yours.
    Always want him/her to be happy.
    60%Much caring
    You be very possessive and caring. Want him/her to always be happy
    70%Basic Love
    Want him/her to be happy whomever he/she is with. Gives him/her freedom to do anything she likes.
    80%Somewhat True Love
    Love him/her even if you know she can't be yours but still try to express your emotions to him/her.
    90%True Love
    Love him/her even if you know he/she can never be yours. He/She is somewhere deep in your memories.
    No Human can ever define this

    No one can define you the meaning of love. It is whatever you choose. The above listing is just one example by me.

    Some Quotes on Love ::


     "Don't hold something in you arm that you cannot hold in your heart..."

    "To love is Duty
    To be loved is Success
    To be with someone you love is achievement
    To be with someone who loves you is life...."

      "If you want something badly, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it's going to be yours forever. If it doesn't then it's never going to be yours..."

     "One day you will ask me what I love more, You or my life and when I will say My life you will walk away without knowing that... You are my life..."

     "Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones..."

     "My eyes could see you, my heart could feel you, my breath could sense you, I knew I loved you, before I met you...."

    "When Charm wears off, only Character is left..."

    "Giving someone all your Love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't except love in return, Just wait for it to grow in their heart, But if it doesn't be content that it grew in yours..."

    What are uses Maths? Benefits of Maths in daily life

     Many a people reading this page will believe there are no use of mathematics in daily life. But this subject has not involved to have no use, it has its application in almost all fields.

    Math is simply logic and reasoning. Math is present in every day life and is being used even when people don't realize they are using mathematical reasoning. From balancing a checkbook, baking a cake or trying to choose which credit card offers the best deal, the logic of math is being used. 

    Uses of Maths in Various Fields ??

    • We can never deny the use of Maths in Physics. It is a subject which uses Maths as a major tool for derivation of formulas and verification of laws.

    • In chemistry, it would have never been possible to calculate molar mass, derive structural formulas of various compounds or derive chemical constants without Some basic knowledge of Mathematics.

    • Though Maths is not extensively used in the field of Biology, yet it is necessary for formulating gene structure in a organism.

    • Programmer can never build proper algorithm until he/she has learn advanced Maths. Definitely Mathematics is necessary for building softwares or even for simple HTML coding.

    • We all know the use of Maths in Technology. Scientist & Engineers make use of Maths to succeed in their project, either it is to successfully launch a Space Craft to Designing a Building.  

    • Geologists and Geographers use Mathematics to find age of Rocks and calculate geo-locations.

    • Economists, Accounts, Businessman, Retailers and even buyers make use of Maths extensively to calculate net profit or loss, marketing strategy,  financial exchanges and business tactics. In Banks and other financial institutions, you are flooded with the uses of mathematics.

    • If I am not wrong, Maths is very necessary in Gambling !! I am sure that you can't bluff people until you have very strong maths.

    •  For outdoor games like football, hockey, baseball or cricket, Maths is necessary to calculate scores and game strategies. Also it opens our Mind to play new tricks in Chess.

    Daily use of Maths


    1. Basic maths help us to solve general mathematical problems in our lives. This includes simple addition & subtraction to finding price of a plot or house to keep account of money.

    2. People who cook use math all the time. For example, Betsy has a recipe that calls for 1 cup of flour and one-half cup of milk. She wants to double the recipe; multiplication tells her she needs 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of milk. Or she may want to make a smaller portion, and she can use division to cut the recipe in half and use one-half cup flour and one-quarter cup milk. 

    Most important use of Mathematics


    I haven't yet told you the most important use of Maths. Maths sharpens your mind, increases your reasoning power and helps your mind be cheerful and more open. This is infact proven by researchers. The more the Maths you solve the more your reasoning power increases. You become more creative, curious and knowledgeable. Your mind sharpens and develops to be quick responsive, make better decisions and multi-tasking. No only this, you can also solve social and emotional issues with Maths !!

    Now its you Turn, Go on and practice maths more and more.