Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to prepare for exams || Tips for preparation

Exams are essential part of life. All of us has to face exams in your life. It cannot be only limited to exams that we give with pen and paper. It could come to test us in any form. For instance, I would give you tips to easily face pen and paper exams. So, whenever I use the word exam it would mean pen and paper exam. Also I recommend you to take tips from any other site as well because I would definitely miss some key points necessary for exams.





Before the exams


Start preparing at least 15 days before the exams : A student generally have to read only 6-7 subjects for exams. I definitely recommend you to start studying at least 15 days before the exam. If you don't pay attention in what is taught in class it is highly recommended to start 1 month before the exam. If you are reading this page 15 or less than 15 days before the exam then start today itself. If you have more than 7 subjects to study start 1 month before the exam. This will give you much time to revise.

Prepare a Routine : Prepare a time table for studying different subjects on different days. Also have some time on your routine to revise back the previously read subjects.

Study for at least 4 hours everyday :
You must study for 4 hours everyday. Have your full concentration while reading.

Take regular Breaks : It has been scientifically proved that our Brain remembers well in the start and end of studying. So take regular 5-10 minutes break every hour. Thus in four hour you will have about 5-6 breaks enabling you to memorize more because you will now have 5-6 start and end of studying in comparison to only 1 start and end of studying in continuous studying.

Read every corner of the book : Just going through your notes is the worst possible way to revise. You must go through every corner of the book. Don't even leave end questions. Buy sample paper and practice it at home keeping in mind of Time limit.

Attend all possible classes before the exam : Teachers always tend to indirectly give hint about the exam's question. Listen to every word of the teacher, he/she will definitely give out some important notes.



One day before exam


Stay Calm : Just relax on that day. Just simply revise some important notes that has been given by the teacher. Go through the lecture notes and important books. If tomorrow is Maths or Science, memorize all the formula and answers of problem question. It is most probable that the numerical problems are generally from the books.

Don't waste your time to think about cheating : Cheating doesn't make you true bearer of the marks you obtain. Don't waste your time preparing cheats or writing your answers on palm or shirt or paper. If you are caught, you will be severely punished.

Sleep well : It will definitely help you in the exam. Sleep for at least 7 hours before exam. Your mind needs to be cool to think properly.



On the day of exam


Don't think of anything else : Don't worry about this world. Just be calm and empty your mind. If you haven't read anything due to certain excuses, just quickly go through your notes. Don't sit and try to learn everything. You can't just take this whole burden in a few minutes.

Eat less : Don't have too much breakfast. A slice of bread must do the job. This is because if you eat to your fill the blood circulation to stomach increases and to the brain decreases resulting in less concentration.

Pack up all required stuff : Take all the required stuff - geometry box, pencil, pen, eraser. Never forget your Admit card. Your life may be spoiled if you forget your admit card. Also don't forget to wear a wrist watch.



At the examination hall


Adjust your timing : As soon as you get the Question paper, you should adjust your timings. Keep some time for re-checking.

Don't forget to write your Roll no. : Forget to write answers for some question but don't forget to mention your Roll no. If you are even leaving other information to be filled you will surely be recognized by your Roll no.

Don't be in a hurry : Have your full concentration on paper. On the other side keep in track of the time.

To the point answers are best answers : If you don't know answer to a question, don't stretch it too long so as to fill the page. Write to the points answers. You are marked for number of points in your answers and not for unwanted words.

Don't waste your time on one question only : If you are unable to solve one question then move on to the next question. Don't waste much time on the same question.

Cheat less : Don't waste your time cheating. Just go on writing your exam. If you still have time after writing the exam, then you may dictate answers to others.

Take less additional sheets : (Not an exam tip but still very important) Compress your answers. Don't try to write too long answers. Don't waste papers. Try to take minimum numbers of additional sheets.

Decorate your answers : Write with the finest possible handwriting. Leave some space between two answers in case you remember some additional points to write in previous question. Don't make your paper mess.

Don't leave the examination hall in a hurry : Take full time thinking and don't submit your paper till bell rings.

I am sure if you follow all the above etiquette then there is absolutely no need to buy expensive guides and sample papers. You would be able to solve all the questions on your own

Your comments are most welcomed.

1 comment:

Please don't use slangs. Be polite